Stranger Things 2 is the most popular show in the country
According to data from a company called Parrot Analytics. We can’t compare apples to apples when it comes to watching shows anymore. It’s hard to compare TV shows and streaming shows based on ratings alone. One of the reasons is because Netflix and other streaming companies alike don’t release audience numbers.
Parrot Analytics has been measuring the popularity of shows from different streaming services, including Netflix, Amazon and others for over two years, and the company shared its data with The Hollywood Reporter.
Here is what they found.
Top 10 Most Popular TV Shows in America are:
1. “Stranger Things 2”, Netflix
2. “The Walking Dead”, AMC
3. “Game of Thrones”, HBO
4. “Star Trek: Discovery”, CBS All-Access
5. “Preacher”, AMC
6. “Mindhunter”, Netflix
7. “The Big Bang Theory”, CBS
8. “The Ellen DeGeneres Show”, which is syndicated
9. “Rick and Morty”, Cartoon Network
10. “The Orville”, Fox