While ZZ Top have been mourning the loss of their bassist Dusty Hill, many fans may be wondering what will happen to the band.
Sirius XM host Eddie Trunk tweeted out that guitarist and singer Billy Gibbons had texted him on the situation.
“As Dusty said upon his departure, ‘Let the show go on!’ And… with respect, we’ll do well to get beyond this and honor his wishes,” the text read.
Trunk also shared that Gibbons texted, “Dusty emphatically grabbed my arm and said, ‘Give Elwood the bottom end and take it to the Top.’ He meant it, amigo. He really did.”
Gibbons was most likely referring to Hill having step away from their tour for medical reasons.
No word yet on what the status of ZZ Top’s tour is.
Do you think ZZ Top should continue without Dusty Hill?
What is your favorite ZZ Top song?