The moment we had waited for… had finally come. But from the lines of the box office Utahan’s didn’t believe Janet Jackson was actually going to make it to Salt Lake for a show. There had to be at least 1000 people in line waiting to get tickets.
You see she had canceled on us 2 other times. Yes, life gets in the way we all have baby’s but when it comes to one of your favorite artists canceling on you it hurts. (even if it is to have a baby)
I had heard a day before that around 4000 tickets had been sold to Janet Jackson. By shear numbers that is next to nothing when it comes to successful show numbers. Especially with such a big name like Janet.
We had made it in the door and because we were sitting we knew this was happening. I had to take the girlfriend plus it’s my birthday week and why not start it with Janet Jackson. We were both ready with our leather coats in honer of Janet. But over the weekend one of my girlfriends, friends had said that our relationship wasn’t ready for us to both go out in leathers just yet! Well it happened.
As we were taking photos we got photo bombed. I think the girlfriend noticed but for whatever reason I was clueless. No jokes please. (seriously we had no Idea who they were)
And the fans in front of us were nice enough to pose as well.
Then it was game time Janet opened the show like this
Ill tell you this. Janet still got’s it. At 51 years old she still has great moves and the girl can dance. She can move better than I can and I’m in my 30’s.
The night continued with great classics
This was a powerful performance (Warning Langauge)
That was all!
By the end of the show I felt wanting more. Janet you disappointed! We had waited for 10 years for you to come back, and what we saw was a washed down version of how great you are. As a Janet Jackson fan I would never not stop going to a show because of it, but she missed the ball. She needed to connect with her fans. Talk to us! Yell at us because we’ve been talking to you and yelling out your songs as loud as we can for years.
Next time we meet again miss Jackson I expect you to show up and not do a warm up show. Cause that’s what you gave us this.