Allen Park is now open to the public! On Sunday, October 4th the park opened to the public for the first time in years. The park has a lot of historical value for the city and will be a landmark for generations to come.
Many have come to know Allen Park by the name “Hobbitville” from the urban legend that there was a village of small homes and little people in a park in the Sugar House area of Salt Lake. People tended to stay away from the area because the legend was that the little people were very protective of their space and would not meet trespassers very kindly. These were the stories told to me growing up in Utah County anyways; maybe it was a ploy to keep me from moving to Salt Lake (needless to say, it didn’t work.)
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Photo Credit: Corey O’Brien
Whether or not this is just a myth or if little people did live in the park, I do not know, although there are several houses on the property built back in the 1940s and are relatively small houses, even considering the time they were built. For renter’s who love nature, though, these houses were a dream come true regardless of size. Due to the homes’ age, though, all residents of Hobbitville were ordered out in 2019.
The area was going to be turned into a development project before the city stepped in and purchased the property for $7.5 million back in March. The city has decided to preserve the area to maintain the nature and back up the city’s push to go green.
The park, located on 1300 E, is just across the street from Westminister college. However, there is no parking, so the city is urging residents to park at Sugar House Park or use public transportation.