In mere days from now, it’ll be The Time Change. That’s when we all fall back one hour, with the return of Rocky Mountain Standard Time, or Mormon Standard Time, or whatever they call it. So.. gee.. lucky us! On November 5th, when we turn our clocks back one hour, and completely lose an hour of our lives, ne’er to return until spring….the sun will rise at around 7 a.m. Hey! That’s Good! But, it’ll get dark at 5 p.m. Then, in December, it’ll be dark by 4 p.m., and in January, by 3 p.m. Oh Joy!! Surely I’m exaggerating just a bit, but I’m just not a fan of The Time Change, at any time. Oh sure, the time switch-er-oo in the spring is better because suddenly, our evenings seem to stay lit longer, even though they aren’t, because it’s all fake, and you’re just getting up an hour earlier… (or is it later?) I can’t keep track. But, here’s the bottom line time lovers: whether you like the time changes twice a year or not, who cares? It’s coming anyway. It’s like Costco, getting rid of all their camping and outdoor stuff in August every year, only to be replaced by Christmas crap! It’s going to happen! In fact, at Costco right now, they’re staging all of that Valentine’s Day and Easter stuff, and getting set to put it out in the isles on December 26th. Bet on it!
-Jon Carter